A little about me…

Hi, my name is Arinton. When I asked this to myself, SaltWater Mercs came to light.

I started fishing at the age of 12 in the Keys of Florida. My parents started taking me and my siblings fishing there to spend some quality time. During these times, my dad was a significant influence in teaching me what I needed to know and getting involved in the sport. At this young age, I saw the benefits of asking another fisherman in the area about their techniques and baits used while they were catching fish. I was intrigued from the beginning.

As an adult living in Miami, Florida, I hooked up with a group of guys that I fished with up to three times a week. We traveled all around Florida to some of the most targeted spots and brought our angling skills with us.

We targeted snook, tarpon, jacks, and had a weekly contest with each other. During these times, I thought, "what if I could do this for a living"? At this time, the idea for Saltwater Mercs came to light. I did not turn my dream into reality until 2019, and I often wonder why I did not take the plunge earlier.

I moved to Pensacola, Florida, in 2019 and immediately found myself addicted to surf fishing. The Miami beaches being always crowded, it was harder for me to fine-tune surf fishing there. Living on the Emerald Coast, I have had a tremendous amount of time to get a feel for surf fishing, and I love to pass on my passion for my charters. Surf fishing, the beach, and the people have become a way of life for me and fills my days with hours of satisfaction.

Making fish memories.

Surf Fishing For Pompano .

Pompano are fun to catch and delicious to eat. There is a big reason people all over the us come to the gulf coast to catch these beautiful fish

Have you ever wanted to catch a shark?

Sharks are one of the most exciting species to go after they will give a huge fight to the end.

Big Bull Redfish roaming the surf.

Redfish are just the top of line fish that's everyone must catch when visiting the gulf coast. They are beautiful fish and extremely strong they will test your fishing skills and give huge excitement when you finally land one